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COTFA Application FAQs

How do I create a ticket in the new ticketing system? 

Access the help desk.

Select CO Contributors.

Choose the topic for which you need assistance (COTFA application, High-Cost, Surcharges, or general assistance).

Fill out the ticket form with your contact name, company name, company code, a summary, and description of your problem. You may attach relevant files or screenshots if necessary.

Select Send and Rolka Loube will address your issue in a timely manner.

Payment Questions

How do I check the amount due?

For instructions on how to check the amount due, please reference the following sections of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Dashboard | View-Open-Surcharge-Filings

Surcharge Filings | View-Invoices-for-a-Surcharge-Filing

How do I check if I have fees associated with my account?

Any fees associated with an account will be reflected in the account’s invoices. For instructions on how to view invoices, please reference the following sections of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Dashboard | View-Open-Surcharge-Filings

Surcharge Filings | View-Invoices-for-a-Surcharge-Filing

How do I make a payment?

For instructions on how to make a payment, please reference the following section of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Surcharge Filings | Pay-an-Invoice

Can I make a partial payment?

If you need to make a partial payment, you must do so via ACH through your bank or a lockbox payment.

How do I confirm Rolka Loube received my payment?

To confirm Rolka Loube received your payment, verify the status and amount remaining on the invoice. For instructions on how to view invoices, please reference the following sections of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Dashboard | View-Open-Surcharge-Filings

Surcharge Filings | View-Invoices-for-a-Surcharge-Filing

How do I get my invoice for the High-Cost fund? 

Further functionality to support High-Cost filings and invoices will be rolled out on the COTFA application in the coming months and further instructions will be provided.

Filing Questions 

How and where do I create a surcharge filing? 

For instructions on how and where to create a filing, please reference the following sections of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Surcharge Filings | Create-a-Surcharge-Filing

How do I revise a filing?

For instructions on how to revise a filing, please reference the following section of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Surcharge Filings | Submit-Revision-Request-for-a-Surcharge-Filing

How do I confirm Rolka Loube has received my filing?

If your filing has been successfully submitted to Rolka Loube, it will appear under Open Surcharge Filings. For instructions on how to view open surcharge filings, please reference the following section of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Dashboard | View-Open-Surcharge-Filings

How do I submit a High Cost filing?

High Cost filings should be completed the same as before. Providers must e-file through the Commission’s system twice per year:

  • By March 31st for January 1 through December 31 of the prior year and;

  • By September 1st for January 1 through June 30 of the current year

Organizations that are obligated to contribute to the CHCSM will receive an invoice on the 15th day of the last month of the quarter. 

Payments may be sent via US postal service, overnight delivery, or made electronically via electronic fund transfer.

Account Questions

What is my login? 

If you already have a COTFA application account, your login will be your email address. If you do not already have an account, contact an account holder at your company to have them invite you as a user. For instructions on how to invite a user, please reference the following section of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Dashboard | Invite-a-User

How do I reset my password? 

For instructions on how to reset your password, please reference the following section of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Login Screen | Reset-Password

How do I add users to my account? 

For instructions on how to add a user, please reference the following section of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Dashboard | Invite-a-User

How do I remove users from my account?  

For instructions on how to remove a user, please reference the following section of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Dashboard | Delete-a-User

How do I update a contributor’s address?

For instructions on how to update a contributor’s address, please reference the following section of the COTFA Application User Guide.

Dashboard | Update-Contributor-Address

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