High Cost Filings
Colorado High-Cost filings refer to regulatory requirements imposed on telecommunications service providers operating in the State of Colorado. These filings collect information on the revenues generated by these providers and are submitted annually and mid-year. The purpose of High-Cost filings is to assess the financial standing of telecommunications companies and to determine their contributions to the High-Cost Fund, which supports basic telecommunications service and broadband services.
Once created, a filing cannot be deleted except by submitting a ticket through the Rolka Loube help desk: https://rolkaloube.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/31/group/100/create/346 .
In accordance with Rule 2845 of the Commission’s Rules Regulating Telecommunications Services and Providers of Telecommunications Services, 4 Code of Colorado Regulations (CCR) 723-2, each telecommunications service provider must provide to the Colorado High-Cost Support Fund Administrator (Administrator), a verified account of its retail revenues, and such other revenues, as the Administrator shall request.